Saturday, May 14, 2011

Time flies when you're having fun!

Wow, has it really been almost three weeks since I last posted.  The saying is true, time really does fly when you are having fun.  Life here has been good.  I am able to understand more and more of what the people around me are saying, and sometimes even able to answer them. I was able to quickly deter a con artist the other day.  He approached me(could tell I was American) and began to ask me to donate to his phony charity.  I was able to say, "Neh, neh iskam."  When I did, he realized I was legit and found another target.
      The kids are doing great and Audrey was able to have a small part in the Easter presentation at our church.  Easter is a huge holiday here, but sad at the same time.  The Othodox church has so twisted what it is really about.  On palm Sunday people take willow branches to symbolize the palm branches in the bible.  Great!  But, then they have them blessed by the priest, arranged into a wreath and hang them above the door for good luck.  See how such a simple truth is twisted, the palm branches laid at Jesus feet were in praise and adoration, not for luck or good health.   They feel that if the priest blesses them they hold some magical power that will be able to protect their household from harm for the year.  Sadly the priest do nothing to deter this practice.  My heart continues to break for the thousands I see everyday that have no idea what a relationship with Christ is.  God is so much more than a list of rules or a lucky charm. Please, please continue to pray for this people group.  Many of whom will be very surprised on judgement day when Christ says, "depart from me I never knew you."  Please pray that the Lord would give Steven and I many opportunities to share!

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