Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day of Prayer for European Peoples

October 16th is the Day of Prayer for European Peoples so I thought I would give you some general facts about Europe.

- European population in 2010 was 857 million (Wikipedia)

- Population growth is comparatively slow, and median age comparatively high in relation to the world's other continents. (Wikipedia)

- European countries have experienced a decline in church attendance, as well as a decline in the number of people professing a belief in a god. (Wikipedia)

- There are over 500 unreached and unengaged people groups (UUPGs) among European peoples worldwide. These are population groups that are less than 2% evangelical and have no one with a plan to tell them about Jesus.

May not be what you thought about Europe, but in reality it is a very dark place spiritually. Many of the people that live here are agnostic or cling to the rituals passed down through heritage. There are millions who have no idea what it means to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. I spoke with someone just the other day that said they had no idea what was going to happen after they died, and yet they claimed to be "Christian" based on their orthodox background. Then there are the other people in Europe who don't want to even listen to the "Good News". They shut down and get a glossed over look in their eyes when you begin to tell about Christ love for them. Yet, God is working among these people. Every year He is calling more people to work in this field and more churches to partner with European people groups. We are seeing mighty things happen. Please pray for the millions of European people and the missionaries who serve among them.