Saturday, July 16, 2011

This post is really from June 24th

Ha, I meant to come back and finish this, but got side tracked and never did... so, here it is. 

oh my...already an entire month has gone by!  This blogging thing is harder than it looks.  Things are going good here.  We have gotten to travel out of the city twice this month, and that has been GREAT!  I love the ammenities the big city has to offer, but could easily give them up for the country life here.  We went to a meeting for all of our coworkers in the Balkan region and had a wonderful time of worship.  The kids got to attend VBS and we can't say thank you enough to the team from Alaska that worked with them.  At first, Jonathan was very confused.  When I told him he was going to VBS he asked, "But where will we go?  There isn't a church at the hotel."  It was a great way for him to see that we can worship our God anywhere!
Language is coming along swimmingly!  I feel so much more confident about speaking with people that I often get into conversations way over my head and end up just smiling and nodding.  Steven says this is because of my "Jones" tendancy to act like I know what I'm doing well enough, that people really do think I know what I'm doing.  It is a blessing and a curse :)  With language comes a freedom that I really enjoy though, so I'm not afraid to make mistakes and sound ignorant.  Most of the time when I tell people I have been studying Bulgarian for only four months they are very impressed.

What to say?????

So, I have erased this same page twice already trying write what I am thinking.  However, my thoughts are so jumbled right now that I am just going to put some of my favorite quotes from the kids since we have been here.

Walking home tonight: 
Audrey: What if we lived in Alaska?  Then we could have a dog.
Jonathan: ...and i could have a pet puffin!

Jonathan: Mommy, Bulgaria feels like home now.

Eli: edno, dve, tree, chetree, pet, shest, sedom, ocem, devet, decet!  (counting to ten in bulgarian)

Audrey:  Daddy, its shestniesit.  (correcting Steven's counting)

Jonathan: Mommy, why doesn't everyone here just speak american?

Not to mention their simple, sweet prayers:

Audrey: God, please help us as we tell Bulgarians about your son Jesus.
Jonathan: God, thank you for my great day and help us to have a good time in Bulgaria.
Eli: "Tank you family, tank you baby Jesus, tank you for our food."

My life is fully blessed because of my savior Jesus Christ!!