Thursday, August 4, 2011

Can a brain be to full?

So, language this week has not been pleasant for me. While I am still excited about learning Bulgarian, my brain is just really not cooperating. I seem to be forgetting things just as I learn them. I don't feel like I have retained any vocabulary, much less how to conjugate all the verbs (past, present, future, perfect and imperfect).  This has lead to a very frustrating week for me. I need to research to see if it is medically possible for the brain to get so supersaturated with info that it needs time to process before it can continue. Sounds like a great theory to me. Maybe our brains are like computers...they can handle massive loads of information, just the more info you put in them the longer it takes to find what you need. There is also the problem that what little Spanish I did remember is slowly dissipating as well. Leaving me feeling like a complete lingual failure. I know that I can speak so much more Bulgarian now than I could 4 months ago.  I can understand quite a bit as well.  Most weeks it is rough, but okay. It has just been this week that I feel like I went to bed one night and when I woke up it was as if I had never heard the language before. A friend of mine said it best when she said, "You never realize what a privilege it is to tell people about God until you can't." That is how I feel here. So, right now, this very moment I am praying for patience with myself and peace. God speaks all languages and knows my hearts desire to tell Bulgarians about His son. For those reading this in the US, I encourage you to take every opportunity to tell people about the hope you have in is truly a privilege to be able to do so!

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