I struggled with a title for this blog, because it contains some thoughts I have been going over in my head. I can't say whether they are correct thoughts or not, just some things I feel God has laid on my heart since being here. I now live in a post communist country in which I have already met people who were literally imprisoned for their faith. Having come from a country where the worst thing to happen to you really, is social exile, this was huge for me. I have always heard about, read about, and learned about martyrs, but to actually meet people who lived through an era like that has been inspiring and thought provoking. I began thinking about all the hardships the church faced under communism, and how hard it was for them to even meet as a body of believers. Then I began to look at most of the churches in America and even here today, and the question emerged, Have we made church to easy? Now the Bible tells us that being a follower of Christ will be no “cake walk”, but it also balances out with saved by grace not by works, so I have found a very fine line of living in fear of God. The churches of old had to find times to secretly meet, and I guarantee you those times were often not the most convenient for people. If anything they were incredibly inconvenient so that the secret police wouldn't find them out. Then they were most likely crammed into a small apartment or maybe even a single room. Then they would sit/stand for hours to hear the word of God and fellowship. Compare this to our church today. We have a variety of services to choose from so you can fit God into your schedule and a coffee house on campus if you get tired and need a little help paying attention for that service. At most churches the minute the sermon is over people are out the door and headed for lunch/dinner. Some may stay behind to chat or catch up on some gossip, but overall many feel their obligation to God is over. Now, before you feel I am being too hard on the church, let me say, I don't think having church on Sat. night is a bad thing. Not all churches have to do things the same way to be effective. I also understand people that work and have to get to a job after services are over, but my main thought is this. How many people would come to church if it wasn't convenient for them, and is that what a church service should be all about? I understand that we as a church body must be open to reaching others, but what kind of commitment to Christ can we expect from people we are asking so little of? There is actually a story in the Bible about the rich man that came to Jesus and said, (paraphrased) "Hey, I want to get in on this action, and I have the money to help you out." This would be a churches dream!! Yes, someone who wants to follow Christ and that tithe will help out our church budget. However, Jesus could see his heart, and told him to go sell everything, then he could follow. Well, the man went away sad. Basically, Jesus turned him away because the man's heart wasn't in it. What can we as a church learn from this? Obviously I am NOT saying we should turn people away, but maybe somehow as a church we should set an example of putting Christ first, and not wherever He will fit for the week. Again, I struggle with this, because this can't be the end. Salvation is free and simple, so why should going to church be difficult for anyone in a free country? Just how as a church do you encourage people to grow in their relationship with Christ without becoming legalistic? Legality is the wrong way to go, "For we are free from the law..", so...... Yep, this is what I have been pondering lately. You can see the struggle. As we grow churches here, following the Acts example, I constantly seek God's guidance as to what He wants them to be. What do you think?
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